Hair of Rapunzel I 40 x 45 x 145 cm Karışık Malzeme/2003 Mixed Media
Passenger 10 x 120 x 15 cm Karışık Malzeme/2004 Mixed Media
Tired 15 x 28 x 40 cm Metal/2004 Metal
Trip to Nature 25 x 25 x 45 cm Andezit/2005 Andesite
Expecting to Comeback I 25 x 50 x 35 cm Mermer/2005 Marble
Hill I 22 x 30 x 65 cm Mermer/2005 Marble
Hill II 22 x 30 x 85 cm Andezit/2005 Andesite
Hill III 120 x 20 x 27 cm Metal/2005 Metal
Dönüşü Beklenen II 25 x 30 x 27 cm Andezit-Metal/2005 Andesite / Metal
What Should I Put Inside 35 x 50 x 50 cm Metal/2005 Metal
Hidden Inside 120 x 120 x 120 cm Andezit/2005 Andesit
Three Wheels 65 x 50 x 25 cm Karışık Malzeme/2005 Mixed Media
Dreaming on the Clouds 45 x 25 x 85 cm Karışık Malzeme/2005 Mixed Media
Hair of Rapunzel II 50 x 50 x 40 cm Karışık Malzeme/2006 Mixed Media
Horizon Line 180 x 42 x 5 cm Andezit-Metal/2009 Andesite / Metal
Oscillation 80 x 28 x 25 cm Andezit-Metal/2009
Directly 35 ø x 9cm 25 ø x 6 cm Andezit-Metal/2009 Andesit / Metal
Three Beauties Değişken Boyut Variable Dimensions 2009
It Always Finds the Right II 100 x 50 x 30 cm Metal/2009 Metal
It Always Finds the Right II 100 x 50 x 25 cm Metal/2009